Co-exist with Others: Affirm Goodness

Co-existence uses Affirmation
Having created my psychosocial world in the image of as I dream of it, and commenced accordingly, I become immediately aware that I must . This may be easy and comfortable for some « », but « » also includes many who (in my view) live in a crude or irrational way, as well as others who are sophisticated but with whom I disagree, possibly vehemently.
My psychosocial creation must therefore interact and compete with the worlds of others. The best I can hope for is that natural competition can occur in a More
Coexistence exposes my world to the danger that I will adapt and accommodate to surrounding opinion. That can weaken or distort my vision. Coexistence therefore requires me to handle my created world positively. This means continual reaffirmations to reinforce its existence and worth, as well as to reveal its nature for others. By combining only odd- or only even-numbered Groupings, it is possible to reinforce both aspects:
- affirmation of —to ensure persistence of world
- affirmation of myself—to ensure persistence of
Here we deal with influences between the odd-numbered Groupings so as to bolster my . The next topic deals with combining even-numbered Groupings which bolster affirmations of myself.
Interdependence with Others
G"5-Attain Equanimity ↔ Overcome Pain-G"3
To coexist with others and yet sustain my psychosocial world with its commitment to
, I must first of all deal with being embedded in social situations. The primary tool here is the activation and .It is easy to accept that everyone, whatever their psychosocial reality, is preoccupied with

Because there are two Centres in both and , there are 4 possible Channels. However, two of these are not appropriate.
Radiate Serenity ↔ Handle Personal Pain
. By , I am communicating that whatever my distress, it is being mastered. The alternative would be to ventilate emotions, make complaints, and intrude with personal details of complicated situations. To maintain my , I must rise above the situation and, without denying anything, take in my stride the distress inherent in living.The Channel is named: Rise above the Situation.
Find Personal Contentment ↔ Feel Others' Suffering
leads to urges to become more involved. Immersing myself in the relevant situation is necessary to ensure I handle matters wisely and compassionately. Immersion is also a prerequisite for making a creative contribution. Creatively relating with others and their suffering engenders feelings of satisfaction. Not doing so, via distancing or disconnection, leads to disturbing experiences like guilt, shame, remorse or regret—all of which preclude .The Channel is named: Immerse in the Situation.
cannot directly interact with because suffering disrupts serenity. cannot directly interact with because attention to personal pain indicates an absence of contentment.Independence of Others
G"3-Feel Others' Suffering ↔ Use Ultimate Values-G"1
The creation of my world is evidence that I am unique and so, in some respects, independent of others. Nevertheless, in coexisting, I must be able to bypass
and deal directly with my own pain and the pain of others, as well as dysfunction or destructiveness that so often flow from pain.Handle Personal Pain ↔ Use Ultimate Values
as a basis for action so as to adjust matters, and even disengage or extract myself completely. The situation will determine what is needed: perhaps The Channel is named: Break Out of the Situation.
Feel Others' Suffering ↔ Use Ultimate Values
flows from an empathic identification. The emergence of is the beginning of an enlightened effort to act on that suffering. Instead of simply watching and expecting someone else (or nowadays the government) to do something, I come to realize that it is up to me, despite the absence of any formal obligation and my independence. Taking deliberate action flows from feeling this humane sense of responsibility. At the same time, I must respect that each person has a responsibility for their own situation.
The Channel is named: Share Responsibility in the Situation.
Other Potentials
is like an opposite to The dream depends on an inner dissatisfaction that motivates and fosters action.In Rising above these is necessary to ensure a sensible immersion within them. Personal independence goes with being responsible. If it is for another's sufferings, then that means sharing responsibility. If it is for your own pain, then you have the responsibility to endure or exit the situation.
, the two dimensions support each other. Social inter-dependence exists because you are embedded in situations.However, affirming goodness is not enough for your world to persist and coexist. You must also affirm yourself appropriately. The relevant Channels emerge from combining even-numbered Groupings.
Originally posted: 26-Jul-2013